What comes to your mind when you hear the word "sales"? What about "salesman"?
Most people have a lot of negative images that flood their mind when they hear those words. They think of pushy people with an agenda that will say anything up to and including lying just to get you to give them money for something that you don't really want or need. After you finally give in and purchase from this type of person, you have a bad memory of them and hope you never see them again, and you typically are not happy with what you got. You see it as a waste of money.
There are a lot of people out there that do just that trying to "make the sale." However, those are not the ones that are making the most money and they certainly are not making many friends.
Contrast that with someone that you meet who wants to know about you instead of telling you all about them. Someone who asks questions to find out about what needs, issues, and concerns you have and then proposes a solution to meet those needs, deal with those issues and alleviate those concerns. This is a person that you are glad you met and you are extremely happy with what you got from them. You look forward to doing business with that person again and you may even develop a friendship with them outside of business. You refer your friends and family to them because you know that they can help them too.
Which of these two people will make the most money in the long run? Obviously the one that is making people happy and getting referrals will do much better.
"You make more money solving problems than you do by selling products!" --
Bryan Flanagan
If you want to make more money stop thinking about you and start thinking about them. Have a genuine concern for the person you are talking with (not to) and find out their needs. This discovery process is done by asking questions and then listening to the answers. Keep in mind that many people do not even really take the time to think
about what they are really looking for. They have gotten into a routine
and just go day-by-day. Learning to ask the right questions will help you focus on them and will help them discover what it is they really want.
Once you have that information then you can show them the solution to what they are looking for.
"Creating or expanding business relationships is not about selling – it’s about establishing trust, rapport, and value creation
without selling. Call me crazy, but I don’t want to talk to someone who wants
to manage my account, develop my business, or engineer my sale. I want
to communicate with someone who desires to fulfill my needs or solve my
problems." --
Mike Myatt
Become a problem-solver then you will find increased success, happiness, and income!